Count your blessings and you'll see...

~The Como Mamas

A recipe for commitment:

  • 10 tons of courage

  • 1 volume of clarity

  • 1 dollop of course-correction

  • 0 drops of what you need to release

  • As much possibility you believe in


  1. Take your possibility and release everything you don't care about, is no longer relevant, or was never yours to carry.

  2. Based on what's left, be honest about what you actually care about.

  3. Gather your courage and course-correction strategies, fold them in your hands, place them on the altar and commit your full self.

  4. Every time something comes up that inspires or excites you, ask yourself, "Does this fit in with the clarity I now have?"

  5. If yes, proceed.

  6. If no, set it's not yours to pursue at this time.

Commitment is hard when you're a creature of change, inspired by the wind, want to do many things and have all the experiences.

And, in order to accomplish anything of substance and deep meaning to you, you have to have to have to commit and not deviate.

See recipe above for commitment.

What you want in 2023 needs you to be excited. To actually care. To be committed.

You're human so go easy on yourself when you do deviate (aka get in the weeds, fuck up, freak out, lose momentum, etc.)

Notice and come back.

Your willingness to commit is literally the magic sauce that can catapult you anywhere you want to go faster than you can even imagine.

Allow your heart to steer you... it won't steer you wrong.

Commit to where it wants to take you like you're committing to your beloved.

If you could use some commitment energy, give this a listen.

If you need an ear, I'm here.

Big love,