
What you pay attention to grows.

A very simplified view on people, maybe. But you can likely relate. Are you one of the idea people, project people, or worker bees?

We need all of these people to get ideas off the ground. Sometimes we’re even playing all the roles. In my honest opinion, to have a collective sense of joy, ease, and flow (with you, your clients, your people), having people in the right roles aligned with their strengths is key.

Sure, you can get your ideas into the world on your own. No doubt you’re used to doing it. You might have had ideas that were so good and exciting that carrying the project and worker bee responsibilities didn’t even feel that bad.

It's 2022.

Doing what I do for the ravenous, fiery, Mars-like desire to become, acquire, achieve, experience — whether for social or spiritual ascension — is the shortest end of the stick I can pick up. I’m intimately familiar with this way of doing things and how rarely fulfilling it is, if at all.

I know firsthand how this approach makes it almost impossible to feel grounded and like I have a grip on things.



The truth is, I always knew enough and had the tools to live the way I wanted but so much of what I believed was tethered to what other people believed. People who cared about me, people who loved me.

Because I didn't know any better, when they projected their doubts, fears, and whatever limiting beliefs they had about themselves (or me), I believed them. They were older or more this or more that than me.

Here’s My Plan

There is no reason at all why having what you want isn’t possible.

What do you really, really want though? This is a big and not so simple question to answer.

You can’t just arbitrarily pick goals. You really can’t. You’ll never get them and will create a habit of letting yourself down for not getting them. But don’t feel bad, they were arbitrary in the first place so no wonder you gave up.