*Banner images were made by my 11 year old niece, Nakea, and 8 & 12 year old nephews, Kala and Noa, in proactive opposition to the “45” supporters on their street.

Published August 2, 2020
Updated April 12, 2021

A Growing Collection of Resources in Support of Black Lives

In an effort to keep my research and learnings in one, easy-to-access, clickable place, I’ve created this page. Bear with me as I continue adding to it. If you have a resource or nugget of wisdom, I welcome it and would love to add it below (with attribution of course) as a public service.

Black-owned businesses I love

Books I love, I’m reading or are in my pile

where to buy books

get off amazon

If you haven’t already, get off Amazon, Book Depository and Audible. Whole Foods too while you’re at it.

black Wisdom that brings me joy & growth on the daily

These links predominantly go to Instagram profiles where website and stores are can also be found. Support these people by ordering their books and art, and by becoming supporters through Patreon and/or PayPal.

Where i’m putting other energy and resources

Black Lives Matter

I’m asking myself all the time how I can show up for Black folx better, more meaningfully, more impactfully, and more sustainably.

Black people are being murdered in broad daylight across this country what seems to be every single day.

Murdered while sleeping.

Murdered while exercising. 

Murdered while in their homes.

Murdered while shopping.

Murdered for being Black.

It’s a motherfucking crisis that has come to a head at a time we are tripping through a once in several lifetimes global pandemic. COVID-19 has made racial injustice in this country glaringly clear to anyone who wasn’t paying attention before.

I have beloved Black adults and kiddos in my life whom I want to do more for, be stronger for. I want to be not just a shield, but a tool that dismantles the guns being pointed at them. I want to do more than I ever have before.

I don’t really have answers, only outrage, deep sadness and lots of fucking questions.

  • What can I do to support Black people in meaningful ways?

  • How have I been complicit to racism?

  • How have I been racist?

  • What the fucking fuck?

Again, no answers.

But I’m working to learn. I’m listening. I’m reading. I’m trying to do more, do better, and take action in ways that are true to me and sustainable. This isn’t just a blip on the timeline. A seismic shift is happening, and even still this is going to be lifetime work.

There have been moments in the last year when I’ve been called in for actions I’ve taken that I felt were thoughtful and supportive of Black folx and other oppressed people. This stuff is nuanced. What I might feel in my heart is not necessarily how it’s going to land for someone else.

It takes emotional effort to navigate a call in. I’m working on not taking offense and instead, listening, researching and learning — over and over again.

My invitation to you is to join me in the practice of letting go of what you have previously thought was the way to support people of different races, oppressed peoples, friends and communities of color.

There’s certainly room for holding, honoring and sharing what has worked. For sure.

But/and, I believe this is the time to set aside what we think we know, open our lens as wide as we can to take in what we don’t know, process the information, feel the learning, rinse and repeat.

Love, Annie